Your first counselling appointment: You can text Carolyn Clark, 07713247415 for a call back, and she will discuss what it is that you wish to achieve. You will be able to understand how therapy could work for you and ask any questions you have, and make an appointment.
Hypnotherapy: The appointment is 2 hours and includes a full assessment and discussion where you collaborate with the therapist, regarding your goals and what way you wish to achieve your targets. You will then lie down or remain seated for a hypnosis session which will be about 20-25 minutes and include gentle relaxation and guided visualization. A recording is made of the session and you will be given it as a CD to take home with you, to practice at home. Each session the format will be similar for hypnosis sessions.
Counselling - £150 for 4 sessions of 50 minutes each.
This works exceptionally well for slimming, fitness, enhanced mood, career confidence and mental clarity.
Couple Counselling The first appointment is an assessment appointment and lasts 90 minutes. You will be seen together and asked to fill in forms and answer questions regarding what you believe to be wrong with the relationship and what you would like to acheive from counselling. You will be offered time to talk with the therapist on your own. It is helpful when comeing into therapy to comit to the process so an initial block of six sessions is usually reccomended to treat communication issues, or things that have not been going on for too many months/years. Issues covered will include intimacy issues, communication syles and family of origin issues, as well as sexuality and cultural issues. Psychosexual counselling cannot be offered unless the relationship itself is robust, so if there are psychosexual which you would like to help, the same process will happen.
Each session you will be asked how things have gone over the past weeks, and then the next step is planned to incorporate the changes that are agreed and designed with Carolyn personally. The sessions can be quite creative and imaginative to have the benefit of hypnotherapy to achieve your goals. Each hypnosis session, which will last about 20 - 25 minutes, is recorded to CD(free) or MP3 onto a dongle (£10). This is played at home every day, until your next session. This way you are sure of success, and the rTMShypnotherapy will work as rTMS does by repetition, and changing the neurochemical structures and emotional-chemical responses in your brain.
original astronomer priests were wise people who connected the known experience (movement of the planets) to the happenings which were happening.
The foundations of religion is in astrology. Here is someone's story about how to understand astrology.