
Worth the effort

Do you need help?

Your brain picks up information from your body, but mostly from your mind.  So if the mind has been filled with unpleasantries then your emotions will react to that, and controlling the reactions can be difficult to learn.  You can learn with meditation, and mental cleansing.  You can use rTMS to assist you in this process, and clean your own thoughts at home with a rTMShypnotherapy CD which helps heal the emotional-mental conditions which drugs don' really fix (or can make you worse!!!) 

At Stanford University studies of hypnosis showed that you can overcome pain by controlling the responses in the brain. rTMS has been shown to be extremely effective, and when combined with psychotherapy and regression-therapy which Carolyn has pioneered, there are long-term healing and positivity.

This is one of the many advantages of asking Carolyn to help design a specialist programme for you, and one of the things which make rTMShypnotherapy such a powerful technique.  

Other people offer hypnosis, but you may find that they have only been practicing for a year or two and may not have much experience of psychotherapy. For this reason you need to be careful who you allow to hypnotize you. 

Usually we intuitively know what is good for us.  Sometimes there are bad things that need to come out to settle into the good clean way we want to live our lives, like clearing out an old cupboard, and throwing out things that may have rotted and gone nasty which we perhaps didn't really want to face.  But it really is worthwhile. 

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